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Laravel Translation With Variables


In this post, I will show you how to implement Laravel translation with variables. Building a Laravel Application with multi-language is amazing and it is easy to do it with the Laravel framework. How about you want to pass a dynamic value to your language with a variable/placeholder?


So let's say this is your English language.


   "This is a sample message for :name with another :variable2": "This is a sample message for :name with another :variable2"


So, how to input a dynamic value to your language variable/placeholder?


See the example below:

$name = "your dynamic value here";
$variable2 = "dynamic value for variable 2";

// you can do it inside your PHP code like controller
trans('This is a sample message for :name with another :variable2', [ 'name' => $name, 'variable2' => $variable2]);

// or this helper function
__('This is a sample message for :name with another :variable2', [ 'name' => $name, 'variable2' => $variable2]);

// for blade template
@lang('This is a sample message for :name with another :variable2', [ 'name' => $name, 'variable2' => $variable2]);​