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laravel 8 download file

In this short post, I'm sharing how to download files in Laravel 8. If have a project like an online digital shop in which users can download files after they purchase then this is for you. We are using a download() function from the Laravel 8 Response class to cater the download.


$filepath = a path for target file to be download

$filename = filename for the downloaded file

$headers = this is an array about the file content type to download


Response::download($filepath, $filename, $headers)


Now you have a basic idea about this function.


We will try to create a route for this.


Route::get('/purchased-download', [\App\Http\Controllers\PurchasedFileController::class, 'download'])->name('');


Then let's write our controller, see the complete code below:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;

class PurchasedFileController extends Controller
    public function index()
    	$path = public_path('');
    	$fileName = '';

    	return Response::download($path, $fileName, ['Content-Type: application/zip']);


I hope it helps. Thank you for reading :)