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print or get last executed query in laravel

In this post, I will show you how to print or get the last executed query in your Laravel 8 application. Sometimes we need to do this to log or debug and determine what is the performance of our queries.


Luckily Laravel provides a method to get the last executed query and I will show you how.


Get Last Query in Laravel Eloquent

In this example, we will just add toSql() method to our eloquent query. See the below example:

$user = User::where('id',1)->toSql();


See below output:

"select * from `users` where `id` = ?"


Log Last Query in Laravel Eloquent

In this method, we will log our last Laravel eloquent query. See below example code:

$user = User::get();
$query = DB::getQueryLog();


Sample output:

array:1 [â–¼
  0 => array:3 [â–¼
    "query" => "select * from `users`"
    "bindings" => []
    "time" => 30.66


Debug the Last Laravel Eloquent Query

In this sample, we will debug the last Laravel eloquent query. See below code:

$user = User::get();
$query = DB::getQueryLog();
$query = end($query);


Sample output:

array:3 [â–¼
  "query" => "select * from `users`"
  "bindings" => []
  "time" => 22.04


Get/Print Last Executed MySQL Query

In this section, we will get/print the last executed MySQL query. See the following example:

$users = \DB::table("users")->get();
$query = \DB::getQueryLog();



array:3 [â–¼
  "query" => "select * from `users`"
  "bindings" => []
  "time" => 26.94


Now you have an idea of how to log/debug the last executed query in your Laravel application. I hope it helps.